In just about every way imaginable, Odyssey has transformed over the course of the last 10 years.  In the fall of 2005, Lanter Transport was sold to Nick Civello and Odyssey Trucking Services was born.  Now in the fall of 2015, we look back at the amazing advances made across the company.

We Celebrate 10 Years of Excellence

In just about every way imaginable, Odyssey has transformed over the course of the last 10 years.  In the fall of 2005, Lanter Transport was sold to Nick Civello and Odyssey Trucking Services was born.  Now in the fall of 2015, we look back at the amazing advances made across the company.

#webdesign 200+ Free Vintage Resources to Replensish your Design Toolbox: Check out the massi… #templatemonster — templatesmonster (@templatemonstar) February 12, 2016 Hasan was chosen as Odyssey’s February Driver of the Month, 2015.  Hasan has been with us since May of 2007. He was a Company Driver until October, 2011 when he became a Lease…

Driver of Month - February, 2015

#webdesign 200+ Free Vintage Resources to Replensish your Design Toolbox: Check out the massi… #templatemonster — templatesmonster (@templatemonstar) February 12, 2016 Hasan was chosen as Odyssey’s February Driver of the Month, 2015.  Hasan has been with us since May of 2007. He was a Company Driver until October, 2011 when he became a Lease…